Friday, 31 May 2019


So for our subtraction,Facts there are takeaway and plus so if there are nine plus fives so you count on from the big number or you can count from the little number if you what to so count on an from the big number and count on so nine ten eleven and count on fives takeaway two this is fives and you take two out of the fives that make three and that how you do subtraction facts. 


L.I-To collaborate neonatal.Collaborate means working with other people to finished there work.
We learnt to collaborate by watching an example and all the best meme.

End Result

What we do for end result is this recipe that call,Hawaiian poi from,Samoan.And this is how you make it wait for the weather to be warmer,it's the perfect time for poi.While,Hawaiian poi is made from taro,Samoan poi is made from beautifully ripe banana.

Number line.

L.I-So our learning for today is to solver addition problems using our number bonds on a number line.
So if,I have 45+27=72 we open our number line and our big number is 45 so 4 is our tents and 5 is our once so we need 4 jumps and 5 tens so we have one big jumps of tens and so we count on and we have our 72 on our number line.

Friday, 24 May 2019

End results.

End results is like this if this is, Aliqwa and she is 10 and I am 9 years old.
Then I have to make two compound sentence about the,Fanboys.
Aliqwa is 10 years old but Deanne is 9 years old.Then I well tell what is a fanboy.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019


LI-Doing things without being asked.
Catch Phrase-Kiwi can Says-Responsible is what,I am,and that's the way of kiwi can.
Activity-Using skipping ropes,balance a ball-Responsibility,by working together.Once it was balanced web perform simple task ie-wahte to a window.without the ball dropping.Define-Spoke as a group about the different responsibility we have to difine what being,Responsible is.

Friday, 17 May 2019

solar system

We are doing inquiry.For our inquiry is space do you like space I do. I can tell you the eight planet in the,Solar System,Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune and the maori words is, Aparangi,Kopu,Papatuanuu,Matawhero,Parearau,Rongo,Wherangi,Tangaroa these are the maori words in the solar system.

making connection

We are doing reading.So we are reading a book that call,Growing Strawberries and do you even grow your own strawberries at home I dot but I like strawberries.Do you know that birds eat strawberries and snail likes leaves and have you make a scaerecrow to scared birds.

Kiwi sport

LI-To develop body movements of Balaree,Retation,Strength.
Stretches-L Shape,Seal,Butterfly,Cat.Straddle,Backa,Front,Side suppert.
Rotation 1-Bearn-Backwords
                  Beach-Forwarol Roll.
Rotation 2 Trampoline-Star Fish.
                  I leg/Scorpia handstard.
                  Half 180 Jump.
Rotation 3 Handstand
                  Front support.
                  Parallel Bars.
                  Back/Side/Front Rotction.
Reflection What is difficult.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

shimp cevich

What we do for writing is making a food that call shrimp and this is how you do it.
You need a jalapenos,red onions,salt,tomatoes and mix them together in a big bowl and next you cover your bowl.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


Tittle Ihenga.
LI.To learn about  patupaiarehe fairies and the geography of Aotearoa.
Patupaiarehe are forest that live in North Island.They have magic powers like special knowledge.The patupaiarehe we learnt about today live on North Island.We learnt about patupaiarehe and fairies by listening to the story of Aotearoa and searching for information,and using google maps.
Labels.Maori,geography,myths,and legends.

Kiwi can

LI.To use integrity and honesty.
Staying honest is not always easy,but telling the truth or helping your friend to the truth must be done.
We did a drama activity to show peoples emotions in different situations like when a lie is told or when a lie is spread around your friends.
Labels Kiwi can,integrity,honesty.