Friday, 30 October 2020

Touch Rugby | Kiwi Sport

For kiwisport our game was touch rugby. Our coach was, Mr Mark and we learned new skills. 

The games were called scoop touch, Attack and Defend, non bibs and bibs. Our skills was diving, planting the ball and trying to score.

First we started by practising the skills before we played. The skill we played was planting the ball which is putting the ball between your legs and walk over it so your partner can pick it up and throw to you so we did that again and again. Our second game was scoop touch which was almost the same like the first game.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Inquiry experiment.

 For inquiry our experiments was insulators a material that limits heat and cold movements. Our material was plastic cups, metal cans, paper cups and polystyrene cups. Our experiment material was plastic cups. We first grab one tray, Chromebooks and plastic cups. 

Next we started filling up our plastic cups with hot water and measure it up to 100millimetres. We put a cylinder in the plastic cups to measure how high it could be. Our next experiment insulators cold movements.

Friday, 16 October 2020


Division is sharing things or objects among a number of groups. For example: there were 24 counters shared among 6 people. Each person got 4 counters. 

LI:   share objects evenly.

Thursday, 15 October 2020


 LI: to learn and practise experimental methods.

For inquiry we experimented to find out which material can absorb the most water. The material was sand, stone, cotton, paper towels and nappy's brand 1 and 2.

Our group experiment was cotton which absorbent 96ml and didn't absorbent 4ml. We first measured 100ml of water into a container and dip 5 drops of food colouring in it.

We take 50g of cotton and put it in a tray to capture any not absorbed of water. Then we measured how much water that did't absorbed in the tray.