Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Fractions of Sets.

Fractions of sets are smaller group. Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces. Sets are small amount of group. 

This slide explained fractions of sets. 

Maori Places of Names.

I translated the names of Maori places into Auckland words. For example Waiheke is Ebbing water. I couldn't use Maori dictionary for clues to help. We figured out the Maori places with Whaea Odie and marked it all through.

This slide explains the Maori places. 

Friday, 4 December 2020

Rugby sports.

Today we played a game of touch rugby. Our lesson was targeting the middle person and focusing where the ball goes. We had practice with on our passing drill. 

We had two teams on the field, defender and attacker. The other team stayed in the shelter while coach Mark was explaining about focusing on running straight. Our skills was passing the ball and working together.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020


 Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces.

Fractions have two parts, the numerator, and the denominator. The denominator tells the size of the fraction. The numerator shows how many pieces there are.

An examples is five eights (5 / 8). The fractions size is eighths so, the denominator is eight. There are five pieces so, the numerator is five.

See below for examples.


Friday, 27 November 2020

Weapons Research

 This week was about researching the weapons and finding different kind of information. Our task was making a google slide that explained about the poi, ti rakau, taiaha and haka. Me and partner was researching the weapons from when was it used. 

Poi is used for girls performance like swung around it's wrist. Ti rakau is used in a throwing or sing games. Taiaha is used for fighting in a war. Haka is  a performance that makes enemies scared of them.

Kiwisport - Rugby.

First we practised two and three man settle to get ready for the game of touch. Coach Mark told us to aim for  one person when we drive the ball down the field. 

Next we played a game of touch. The game was for learning how to play and how to use a two and three man settle.

I was able to execute two man settles well with my partner behind me, Fala. Lastly I need to practise three man settle because I get confused about who gets the ball.

I really enjoyed practising three and two man settle. 


This week I completed my QAR template task. It included reading Graffiti Art or Crime. We used 1 persuasive texts to help us with our QAR template. In our QAR template was solving the information from the question. We explained different kind of information about graffiti. For examples - Graffiti has information in positive ways and shows artist can express everyone. 

LI: To identify the main ideas.                                                                                                                          

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Maths - Fractions.

 I learnt about fractions in quarters and eighths.

For fractions I started cutting one whole cup into quarters and eighths. 

Our second task was making one google slide that explained or showed quarters and eighths. 

The numerator is the top number section that was left over for you. The denominator is how many pieces that were cut in the beginning.

LI: To define fractions.

Emergency Shelters.

 The inquiry task was to write down the materials that are needed for the storm shelter that is going to be built.In total there are 9 materials that could protect against storm shelter. There are three main materials that are important to use for protecting the shelter and which are concrete, chicken wires, and rubber bracelets. We chose concrete because it is not easy to break apart. We chose chicken wires because it can keep the shelter stable. We chose rubber bracelets because it can stop electricity.

The other six materials are: cotton balls, aluminium, Popsicle sticks, duck tape, hard plastic, and steel.  All 9 materials are important for defending the shelter and could be useful for something in danger.
We figured out the amount was because we drew the shelter and drew our materials. We kept on filling the whole until it was finished. For example: For concrete, the height is 18cm and the width is 20cm. There are four walls and the floor. So there are five and five places to use the concrete. That’s how we figured out the concrete can be used.

Emergency shelters are really important when it comes to floods and different kinds of storms.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Names and Conversation.

This week I learnt how to translate Maori names and Conversation.

For Maori our first task was to translate the Maori names into English ones we couldn't use Maori dictionary to find clues. Whaea Odie explained our second task which is Maori conversation. 

We wrote the meaning of the sentences and questions. We all learnt the Maori names and conversation sentences and questions.


Friday, 13 November 2020

Persuasive Speech.

 This week our task was making a persuasive speech.

Our persuasive speech was about how to persuasive or convince people about your topic. Our speech included greetings, our arguments, rhetorical questions, POV and solutions.

My topic was about travelling to more places. I chose this topic because it helps people learn different parts of the world. We had to find facts and statistics to backup our reasons and arguments.

LI: to create a persuasive speech.


Thursday, 12 November 2020

Maori Names Rua.

 This week we learnt peoples names for girls and boys.

Our task was to figure out people names without using maori dictionary.  We learnt that the Maori alphabet dose not use j, s, i, v and b. We got clues from Miss Whare Odie on how to translate people names like Emere and Emily.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Reading - Synthesis.

Synthesis are Prior Knowledge, New information and New understanding. Prior Knowledge are information or facts you know before reading the book. 

New information are new facts you know about. One of my facts was that the water can rushes through the turbines and makes them spin - 125 times a minute.

New understanding are new information you did't know about. Three of my new information I learnt was water can make electricity, the extra water from the dam has to be released down the spillway and lastly was electricity power uses four giants pipes to the power house below.

LI: To build Vocabulary.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Kiwi sport - Rugby Touch.

 This week our session for touch rugby was to learn the three men and two men settle.

How to play three men settle?

Three men settle is used with three person. First person is called letter, A second B and third one C. Letter A runs straight up with the ball until he gets touch. When he does the ball goes between your legs so letter B grabs it and pass to C. 

We practised by playing walking touch. Our Coach was Mark.We had a practice playing three and two men settle to get know how to play it well. 

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Duffy Theatre - Bex meets Milly.

We watched a performance by Duffy theatre group about the Coggen. A Coggen is a mythical creature that is a mixture of a cat,dog and chicken.

Before the show, the actors introduced themselves.Then we sang the Duffy song.Then the actors performed for us. Lastly the Duffy group held a question and answered sessions.

Actors - Fiep, CJ,James

I enjoyed the performance and they were amazing but it was sad that it has to end. 

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Learn Maori Names.

LI: To learn Maori names.

 For Maori our session was to learn Maori names like Ruka and Luke. Our task was to match the Maori names with simple English names. Next we corrected the names with Whaea Odie. 

For example:

Ripeka is a Maori name and Rebekah is the English name

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Making Connections.

 LI: To make connections.

For reading our sessions was to fill out the table mat with information we find in our book like water power. It's about the dam and how the water could be controlled into a placement.

First I started by finding 3 keywords in each boxes. Define boxes are choosing 1 of your keywords and telling the meaning like electricity are power from machines. Than finding facts from the book.

Fractions in Halves.

 LI: To Define - Fractions.

Fractions is a whole thing cut into equal pieces.

Halves is a whole thing or objects cut into equal pieces.

Here are examples of halves.

Friday, 30 October 2020

Touch Rugby | Kiwi Sport

For kiwisport our game was touch rugby. Our coach was, Mr Mark and we learned new skills. 

The games were called scoop touch, Attack and Defend, non bibs and bibs. Our skills was diving, planting the ball and trying to score.

First we started by practising the skills before we played. The skill we played was planting the ball which is putting the ball between your legs and walk over it so your partner can pick it up and throw to you so we did that again and again. Our second game was scoop touch which was almost the same like the first game.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Inquiry experiment.

 For inquiry our experiments was insulators a material that limits heat and cold movements. Our material was plastic cups, metal cans, paper cups and polystyrene cups. Our experiment material was plastic cups. We first grab one tray, Chromebooks and plastic cups. 

Next we started filling up our plastic cups with hot water and measure it up to 100millimetres. We put a cylinder in the plastic cups to measure how high it could be. Our next experiment insulators cold movements.

Friday, 16 October 2020


Division is sharing things or objects among a number of groups. For example: there were 24 counters shared among 6 people. Each person got 4 counters. 

LI:   share objects evenly.

Thursday, 15 October 2020


 LI: to learn and practise experimental methods.

For inquiry we experimented to find out which material can absorb the most water. The material was sand, stone, cotton, paper towels and nappy's brand 1 and 2.

Our group experiment was cotton which absorbent 96ml and didn't absorbent 4ml. We first measured 100ml of water into a container and dip 5 drops of food colouring in it.

We take 50g of cotton and put it in a tray to capture any not absorbed of water. Then we measured how much water that did't absorbed in the tray.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Multiplication and Word Problem.

Multiplication is  a faster way for adding a lot of the same number over and over. To identify a multiplication word problem follow the steps below.
  1. Look for the group size below.
  2. Melanie worked 3 hours for 5 days. How many hours did she work in total?
  3. Look for the numbers groups.
  4. Melanie worked 3 hours for 5 days. How many hours did she work in total?
  5. LI: to identity and solve multiplication word problem.

Monday, 10 August 2020


Multiplication is an easier to count a lot of the same numbers.

Multiplication is like grouping numbers and skip counting.

This slide show our 4 timetables that we completed.
LI: to learn our timetables.

Thursday, 6 August 2020


Today I practise my water safety skills at the Lagoon Pools.

The first skill I practise was small kicks with straight legs and rolling from back to front.

Then I practise streamline, rolling.

Lastly I practise dolphin diving, jumping up curl body and straight down.

I got better at dolphin diving, but I need to improve my skills.

LI: to develop knowledge of water safety.

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Rahi and the Patupaiarehe.

This week we were learning to summarise. 

We also to linked visualisation inference to help us.

 We filled in a story web to summarise each part of the story.

 I used my visualisation from week 1 to help separate the parts of the story.

 I used my character inference traits to use adjectives and evidence to help summarise different parts. 

Using good adjectives unlocks meaningful information,and I can summarise faster.

 Connecting all 3 strategies helped me to understand the story,character & keywords.

 LI: Summarise using visualising and inferences.

Friday, 31 July 2020

Comment Thread.

Hi Ariana I really like your facts and opinion posters and the story of Rahi and the patupaiarehe.

Basic Fact.

Today for basic facts I did subtraction and addition.

Subtraction is taking away numbers.Addition is adding things together.

I enjoyed subtraction numbers but it was difficult thinking about the answers.

SSR Selfies.

Today for (SSR Selfie) my book was called  A seed is sleepy.First I find information and interesting facts or new words. Then we put the information in the ( SSR Selfie) slide.
LI: to summarise and retell the text.

The Legend of Rahi and the Patupaiarehe.

      Facts and Opinion about Rahi and Patupaiarehe.

Facts and Opinion is when we say what we think is true about fact and opinion is.

Facts are things it's true and Opinion are things you think of.

First we learnt about,The legend of Rahi and the patupaiarehe. Then we put information or facts about Rahi and patupaiarehe  in the facts and opinion poster.

Lastly we did the character trait, which is to fill out information about the character we choose.

I enjoyed finding information about Rahi and the patupaiarehe but it was hard filling out information in the character trait.    

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Vocabulary list.

A synonym is a word  almost or nearly the same meaning to another word. Synonym also mean the same thing but different spelling.We learnt about verbs,adverbs,nouns and adjectives.

Verb is a action and movements words like jump and run. Adverbs describe words the way something happens. Nouns are words used to name a person,animal,place,thing or idea. Adjectives are words that describe things.


Today for kiwisport in our first session we went swimming.My coach was Kelly and she teached us how to freestyle,jellyfish,float board,Streamline.

 First I used the float board to swim front and back. Then we did the streamline which is arms straight and roll from front to back.

After that we did a game called freestyle,jellyfish.

I enjoyed playing the game called jellyfish but it was difficult diving underneath the water.


Multiplication is an easy way of counting a lot of the same number.
Multiplication is like grouping numbers and skip counting.

These slides show the 3 and 6 timetables that we completed.

LI: to learn about timetables.

Thursday, 23 July 2020

The Legend of Rahi.

For reading we learnt about retelling the text using visualising strategy to sequences events. First we used some materials which is paper and pencil. Then,Mr Ogilvie told us the story of Rahi and his long journey on finding his wife. Then we draw pictures about his long journey on finding his kidnapped wife,Ti Ara.

Maths Multiplication

For maths we learnt that Multiplication is an easier way to count a lot of the same number like doubling groups.Then we used the beans to figure out the answer.These slides show 5 and 2 timetables.

LI: to learn the time tables.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Measurement,Angles and Coding.

LI: The code directions using angles.

Maths was about measurement,angles and code.

First we grab an ruler,ten sided dice,pencil and a,protractor

Then we used this go home maths maze that is related to measurement,angles and coding.

After that we started with go to house 7 to house 8.Then go fwd 23 mm and turn acw 011 ° then we turn acw 29 ° then stop.But we didn't complete it.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020


LI: to identity vocabulary to summarise the text.

For reading we learnt about what a verb,adjectives and nouns are. First we read our book to find adjectives and verbs,nouns words then we start with our summarising which is beginning ,middle, and end.

What does verb,adjectives and nouns means?
An verb is an action word like run and jump.
Adjectives are words that describes something and how it feels about .
Nouns are naming words that names something like a person or a city.

What does summarising means?
Summarising is skills about the main points that helps us gather information and detail from the text to find keywords.

Friday, 19 June 2020


LI: To pose questions, and locate the answer to the text.

For reading we have to find questions that are right there or think and search,author and you or on my own by reading the book.

What does right there,think and search and author and you and on my own means?

Right there means the answer can be found in the book.

Think and search means the answer is in the text but you may have to look in different places.

Author and you means the answer is not in the text.But you have to use your own back round knowledge and what the author told you to come up with the answer.  

On my own means something you have to do by yourself.

Friday, 12 June 2020


LI: To investigate homonyms and homographs.

Homograph and Homonyms are different words like dough and though different spelt different sound different meaning.

Homonyms are words that sound the same, spelt the same, but  mean different things.

Homograph are words that sound different spelt the same and means different things.

For example:
Bat and Bat.  Bat is an object your playing with for sports and the other bat is an animal that goes through the night.



LI: To pose question,and locate the answer in the text.

For reading we have to find words from our book that are Verbs,Adjectives and Nouns.Then we have to write about the beginning,Middle and End of the book.

What Verbs,Adjectives and Nouns means?

Verbs are words that describe action words like run or jump.

Adjectives are describing things like red and blue.

Nouns are names of places or a person like London and Yourself.

We will use this information next week when we investigate the questioning strategy.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020


LI: To use and understand vocabulary.

For reading we have to use and understand vocabulary.Then we have to read our book and find words that are ,Adjective and Verbs and Descriptive language.Then we have to find words from our list that are fro the past,present and future.
Like:  Cooked,Cooking and Cook.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

To identify mistakes in a sentences.

LI- To identify mistakes in a sentences.

To fix problems in a sentences.Here are incorrect sentences that are wrong.The words that are wrong has to highlight and after that we have to write down the correct sentences in the correct side then we write down what was wrong with the incorrect sentences.

Fanboys means conjunctions - For,And,Nor,But,Or,Yet,So.

A full stop is a period and it is use by a complete thought.

Capital letters are use for new sentences and months,holidays,names,Days,Places.

Homophone means words that sounds the same but means different things.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Grouping in tens.

This week we learnt how to group ten objects and count tens.Here is a slide that has groups of tens and how to count to tens.This help you with your counting or grouping your tens.This can help you with your maths.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Anzac Day.

LI: Learning about the soldiers that died from the war.

This week we learnt about,Anzac day.Anzac day is day where all people remember about the soldiers that died from the war.They stared the war at,Gallipoli 25 of April 1915. What's lest we forget means??? It means something we should remember all year.They use their guns to protect them self and other soldiers or they fight.The soldiers was very brave.       
New Zealand and Australian.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Kiwisprt - Rippa Rugby.

Coach - Glory - Mj

This week for kiwisport we played rippa rugby.First we learnt how to pass the ball and throw.Second we started playing the real game.The game we played was rippa rugby one team was black and the other team was red. So if the black team take the tag off the person that have the ball it still the red ball and if the red team ran out off the yellow cone it's the blacks ball. It was fun.

Thursday, 12 March 2020


LI: Finding websites that have images.

This week I learnt finding websites on google that have images or free images.The website that I find images from is,Unsplash,Negative space,Pixabay,Canava,Shutterstock,Istock. These websites can get you free images and some of them are artist and designer and videos.So if your trying to find free images search up these websites name it will help you with your work.Find images that are free are here.

Kupe & Captain James Cook.

LI: Captain James Cook and Kupe.

Two explorers: Kupe and Cook are explorers that are important to the New Zealand

Captain James Cook arrived in New Zealand in May 1769. He had a mission to complete from the royal family.He came to New Zealand in his ship called HMS Endeavour which has weapons.And he is a British explorer.

Kupe travelled and arrived in Aotearoa in the 100's. Kupe travelled to find new lands and started new life for his people.He came with his waka and followed the giant octopus and the long white clouds to New Zealand. 

Friday, 6 March 2020

SSR Selfie.

LI: SSR Selfie.

This week I learnt SSR Selfie. SSR Selfie is when you find a fiction book and a non fiction book.A fiction book is a story that's not true a non fiction is a book that's has facts that true in the world. SSR Selfie is something you put on the slide and tell what you thought of the book and the tittle and everything else that's in the book.

Rippa Rugby

LI: How to play Rippa Rugby.

This week went and play,Rippa Rugby. Rippa Rugby is about learning catching and ruining and passing the ball to your team.The activity was,Tag,Rippa Rugby and a another game.We all played the game and we learnt different things.And we all had lot's of fun.

My think board.

This week for maths I learnt when or what time you can use counting with and when you can not use counting with.So the time you can use counting with is the time when someone tell you what's 85 + 5 that's the time you can use counting on with but when someone tell you what's 86 + 71 that's the time when you can not use counting with because it's hard.So there is a time where you can not use counting with and a time you can use counting with.Then we have to use a slide that has questions and problem to fix.

Explores and Adventures.

Explores and Adventures are people who travel and discover new things.

Explores are people who travel to find new things and record them for the community.
Such as Captain Cook, Kupe, Dora, Robert Ballard.

Adventures are people who travel to take part in something for themselves.
Such as Moana, William Adams ,Lief Erickson, Jean Batten.

Explorers and Adventures need to have or show many different attitudes.
Such as Zheng He, Ibn Battuta, Jacque Consteau, Takuy Orishi.

Both explores and adventures travel to new places and need similar qualities although their goals  

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Legal and illegal and images.

A legal images is an images that can be used with permission by law.

Images are created give by legal permission to use their images by adding a sharing license.

It is importation to use legal images to help creators,and so we don't get in trouble.  

Make sure you have permission from the owner that created the images.

LI: To understand what a legal and illegal image are.


This week we had to use our book big machines on the road and find keyword to unlock information.First we needed to read our book.Next we needed to make a list of the keyword.Lastly we need to think of all the information of the word that unlocks as a reminder.I enjoyed reading the big machines on the road book and,I learnt what machines can do.

Simple Sentences.

This week we learnt what is a simple sentence was.First we watched a video which explained what a simple sentence is.Next our group had to to reorder mixed up sentence.Then we had to write 5 of our own simple sentence.I created a mixed up simple sentence slide for others to use.I look forward to others using my simple sentences.

Friday, 28 February 2020

Positive Relationship

LI: Positive Communication.

Today we learned about Positive Relationship in kiwi can, we first played a activity. For this activity we went in teams I was in grace team. For this activity we had to turn the cones upside down  for team Smanu and for team Grace we had to turn the cones upside down and team,Mr Smanus group was to put the cones up and,Mr Seamanu team win the first activity game and,Mrs Graces lose but they tryed the best.When we all finish playing all the fun activity we said thank you to,Mrs Grace and Mr Smanu.

Ripper Rugby.

LI: How to play rippa rugby.

This week for kiwi sports we learnt rippa rugby.First years five and year six spilt up and the year 5 went with a rugby leader and the year six went to an other rugby leader.Second we played catch and rabbit and rats then we played rugby was hard because you have to run tackle and hold them down calling out loud there name passing it over and try to get a score.After we played all those fun games year fives and year six seat down in line and shouted out loud thank you.Then we went back to class and watch the video then we went back home when the bell ring.

Basic Facts Boxes.

LI: Basic Facts boxes .

This week we learnt basic fact boxes.First my group shared me the slide then I did the stopwatch and star it and then I open my basic fact boxes and plus all the number together and I my takeaway but made some mistake but got all done I stop my timer it took me 3 minutes and 42 seconds 10.When finish I went back to slide and explain about how long did I do my basic facts then I put my basic facts boxes work then I blog .

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Keyword - Reading.

LI: What is a keyword?
This week for reading we learnt what is a keyword. First we have to open a google draw and write  the most important part of the poster the tittle then write what is a definition of a keyword.Next practise your sentences.Like write down a sentences and circle the words that is not keyword.If you need to how to do it here is my blog post what is a keyword?. 

SSR - Selfie.

LI: SSR Selfie.
This week we learnt,SSR Selfie.First I tried to find a slide that nobody write on.Second,I brought my book and did a selfie of me and my book.Third write my tittle,author,illustrator,new words on your book and the characters in your book and tell what you think that was good about the book.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Puntuation marks.

This week we went and learnt about 5 different punctuation marks and how to use them.First we learnt about what punctuation marks are and how to use each different one.Next we created a poster to show our learning.
Our group did Question mark.

Hopefully I can use the correct punctuation mark in my writing.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Positive Relationship.

LI - Giving things a go.

Today from kiwi can we learnt how to give it a go.Like if you done something new and you haven't try it before or play it before.So that's what it means by giving things a go.After we all had a chat about giving things a go we played this game we gaped a partner and sit down with them and,Mrs Grace will live cones in between your partner and,Mrs Grace and Mr Seamanu will say a magic word and make in to a sentence and when they said blue your partner and you has to take the cone first and your partner has to do one push up and you get a point.Done.

The hundred board game - Maths.

LI - The hundred board game.

This week we learnt about this puzzle game that we have to put them together and knowing what it mean.This puzzle game is my groups and me.First we started opening a google draw and put the two square and group them and copy and doing over until it makes hundred.After you have done it you have find ten character and copy them down with the other ones and then colour the square and separate them then your done.

Self Portrist - Art.

LI - Self portist.

This week we have to make our self portist with shapes and lines and curve.This one is mine.First I did my shirt and then my lips and eye then my eyebrows and y head and hair.After that I colour in my self portist and get feedback then I blog it.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

The good and bad print design rules.

LI: This week we learnt about print design rules.

Yesterday with my group we were looking at some good and bad ugly posters.The posters was about telling what was bad and good about it.

Thursday, 13 February 2020


LI - To Develop Fundamental Movement in Cricket.

Tittle - Crazy Cricket Chaos.

Reveal - We did our first session of a ball at a set of stumps.
            -We also did an activity where we had to hit 2 balls off cones as far as we could.
           - Lastly we did a catching drill with 2 balls in a big circle.

Ending - I was so Tired at the end from all the running.I need to work on aiming when throwing .