Fractions of sets are smaller group. Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces. Sets are small amount of group.
This slide explained fractions of sets.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Fractions of sets are smaller group. Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces. Sets are small amount of group.
This slide explained fractions of sets.
I translated the names of Maori places into Auckland words. For example Waiheke is Ebbing water. I couldn't use Maori dictionary for clues to help. We figured out the Maori places with Whaea Odie and marked it all through.
This slide explains the Maori places.
Today we played a game of touch rugby. Our lesson was targeting the middle person and focusing where the ball goes. We had practice with on our passing drill.
We had two teams on the field, defender and attacker. The other team stayed in the shelter while coach Mark was explaining about focusing on running straight. Our skills was passing the ball and working together.
Fractions are one whole thing divided into equal pieces.
Fractions have two parts, the numerator, and the denominator. The denominator tells the size of the fraction. The numerator shows how many pieces there are.
An examples is five eights (5 / 8). The fractions size is eighths so, the denominator is eight. There are five pieces so, the numerator is five.
See below for examples.
This week was about researching the weapons and finding different kind of information. Our task was making a google slide that explained about the poi, ti rakau, taiaha and haka. Me and partner was researching the weapons from when was it used.
Poi is used for girls performance like swung around it's wrist. Ti rakau is used in a throwing or sing games. Taiaha is used for fighting in a war. Haka is a performance that makes enemies scared of them.
This week I completed my QAR template task. It included reading Graffiti Art or Crime. We used 1 persuasive texts to help us with our QAR template. In our QAR template was solving the information from the question. We explained different kind of information about graffiti. For examples - Graffiti has information in positive ways and shows artist can express everyone.
I learnt about fractions in quarters and eighths.
For fractions I started cutting one whole cup into quarters and eighths.
Our second task was making one google slide that explained or showed quarters and eighths.
The numerator is the top number section that was left over for you. The denominator is how many pieces that were cut in the beginning.
LI: To define fractions.
This week our task was making a persuasive speech.
Our persuasive speech was about how to persuasive or convince people about your topic. Our speech included greetings, our arguments, rhetorical questions, POV and solutions.
My topic was about travelling to more places. I chose this topic because it helps people learn different parts of the world. We had to find facts and statistics to backup our reasons and arguments.
LI: to create a persuasive speech.
This week we learnt peoples names for girls and boys.
Our task was to figure out people names without using maori dictionary. We learnt that the Maori alphabet dose not use j, s, i, v and b. We got clues from Miss Whare Odie on how to translate people names like Emere and Emily.
Synthesis are Prior Knowledge, New information and New understanding. Prior Knowledge are information or facts you know before reading the book.
New information are new facts you know about. One of my facts was that the water can rushes through the turbines and makes them spin - 125 times a minute.
New understanding are new information you did't know about. Three of my new information I learnt was water can make electricity, the extra water from the dam has to be released down the spillway and lastly was electricity power uses four giants pipes to the power house below.
LI: To build Vocabulary.
This week our session for touch rugby was to learn the three men and two men settle.
How to play three men settle?
Three men settle is used with three person. First person is called letter, A second B and third one C. Letter A runs straight up with the ball until he gets touch. When he does the ball goes between your legs so letter B grabs it and pass to C.
We practised by playing walking touch. Our Coach was Mark.We had a practice playing three and two men settle to get know how to play it well.
We watched a performance by Duffy theatre group about the Coggen. A Coggen is a mythical creature that is a mixture of a cat,dog and chicken.
Before the show, the actors introduced themselves.Then we sang the Duffy song.Then the actors performed for us. Lastly the Duffy group held a question and answered sessions.
Actors - Fiep, CJ,James
I enjoyed the performance and they were amazing but it was sad that it has to end.
LI: To learn Maori names.
For Maori our session was to learn Maori names like Ruka and Luke. Our task was to match the Maori names with simple English names. Next we corrected the names with Whaea Odie.
For example:
Ripeka is a Maori name and Rebekah is the English name
LI: To make connections.
For reading our sessions was to fill out the table mat with information we find in our book like water power. It's about the dam and how the water could be controlled into a placement.
First I started by finding 3 keywords in each boxes. Define boxes are choosing 1 of your keywords and telling the meaning like electricity are power from machines. Than finding facts from the book.
LI: To Define - Fractions.
Fractions is a whole thing cut into equal pieces.
Halves is a whole thing or objects cut into equal pieces.
Here are examples of halves.
For kiwisport our game was touch rugby. Our coach was, Mr Mark and we learned new skills.
The games were called scoop touch, Attack and Defend, non bibs and bibs. Our skills was diving, planting the ball and trying to score.
First we started by practising the skills before we played. The skill we played was planting the ball which is putting the ball between your legs and walk over it so your partner can pick it up and throw to you so we did that again and again. Our second game was scoop touch which was almost the same like the first game.
For inquiry our experiments was insulators a material that limits heat and cold movements. Our material was plastic cups, metal cans, paper cups and polystyrene cups. Our experiment material was plastic cups. We first grab one tray, Chromebooks and plastic cups.
Next we started filling up our plastic cups with hot water and measure it up to 100millimetres. We put a cylinder in the plastic cups to measure how high it could be. Our next experiment insulators cold movements.
Division is sharing things or objects among a number of groups. For example: there were 24 counters shared among 6 people. Each person got 4 counters.
LI: share objects evenly.
LI: to learn and practise experimental methods.
For inquiry we experimented to find out which material can absorb the most water. The material was sand, stone, cotton, paper towels and nappy's brand 1 and 2.
Our group experiment was cotton which absorbent 96ml and didn't absorbent 4ml. We first measured 100ml of water into a container and dip 5 drops of food colouring in it.
We take 50g of cotton and put it in a tray to capture any not absorbed of water. Then we measured how much water that did't absorbed in the tray.