Friday, 30 August 2019


Hi my name is Deanne and I commenting on Fau because she has the best blog post ever.

 Keep on the good hard work  Fau. Well done!

Describing things.

LI: Today I am learning about describing things.
This week I am learning about describing things. Describing things is when you talk about something.
Like look over there these are dahlia.And they are so beautiful but they do smell nice.And yeah when you finish you show it to the and blog it.

Thursday, 29 August 2019


LI: Today I am learning about shapes.

This week I am learning about how to measure shapes.Than after that we were learning about Area and perimeter.After that we measure every shapes and when you finish measuring the shapes you add them together and timetable them.And when you finish you blog the end for maths.  


LI: Today we are learning about swimming .

Today I am learning about swimming.For swimming I was floating on my back with the broad and I have to turn around and float.After that we did the streamline with our broad and kick our long legs under water and flap and rotation,swimming on my back,straight like a pencil,arms still and that what I did at swimming.My swimming teacher name is,Livvy's .For swimming.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019


LI:Today I am learning about a simple machine.
This week I am learning about how to make a simple machine.So this simple machine is called pulley.Pulley helps different kind of people with there work.And if we don't have a pulley it will be very hard for people because you have to clime up the stairs and return something very heavy to other  people.So remember that pulley is very very important to other people to use.

Reading What is questions.

LI: To comprehend and answer what questions.
This week I am learning about what is questions.What is question?what is question is a question that you really want to know in the world.Like if I say what is on the floor?There is a watermelon on the floor just like that because it's asking you what you really want to know.For reading.

Kiwi can Blog Post.

LI: Today we are learning how to focus more on something what they ask.(not to be distracted).

We learned how to not get distracted.Distracted means to fall out of focus.Many things can distracted us like people talking or physically annoying each other with there work.To learn about distracted we played a game called,Distracted Circle. Being distracted means we do not have self control of our actions because we are not focused.

Kiwi can says control your self don't shout kiwi can says over and out.

Friday, 23 August 2019

Basic Fact.

LI:Today I am learning about basic fact.

Basic Fact help people and kids know there plus and takeaway and there timetable.And know I am showing you how to use basic fact if it come with a number and it means your plus and adding the number together and if you are doing the other side it means your taking a number and it getting lower.
Like if I have a number like 1 taking away it will be 0 so that is for basic fact.


LI:Today I am learning about competing.

Hey liletina I have read your blog post for competing and I thing that it great.And keep up the hard work liletina.

Today I competing on liletina because she has the best blog post ever and she helps me a lot with my work and that why I like her blog post.


LI:This week I am learning about trying to fix the poster.

This week we are learning how to fix the poster because the colour is not right and the texts is not right to and the layout and the last bit is composition and those are the part that is not right.The words that I just writ down was the poster that we need to fix.And after that you need to blog it and past it on the must do than you are finish.

Swimming/Kiwi sport.

LI:Today I am learning about swimming.

This week for swimming we were learning how to swim.And what we learn from swimming that I can streamline and float on my back with floating board and keep body straight and long arms,kicking on our back with the board and rotation with board.


  • Floating on back with floaty board
    • Keep body straight
    • Long arms
    • Board next to knees
  • Kicking on back with board
  • Rotation with board


LI:Today I am learning about  inquiry.
Today I am learning about inquiry. Wonder if there was no wedges.And if you have no wedges to help you with your work you will be very tired.Wedges is imported to us because it helps people get up and down  than claiming and holding something heavy.When you are having something like a nail and a hammer and a wood trying to break the wood remember that you don't need a nail that it flat you need a nail that it's a shape of a triangle to break through the wood.Wonder that if there was no wedges you can't break through the wood.And wedges if imported to us too.   


LI:Today I am learning about shapes.

This week I am learning about shapes.Shapes is a thing that people use or play with.Making shapes is fun but I what to know that P and A is more imported for shapes too.Shapes help people know what it is and something else too.And you have to writ it on goggle drawing.After you writ it on google drawing you blog the end.

Thursday, 22 August 2019


LI: To choose a favourite speech or poem finalists. 
This week we had our first annual Speech/Poem Competitions for 2019. There were 12 lucky contestants from year 1 to year 8. The yr 1 to 3 had done a recital ( aka poem ). My favourite poem out of the juniors ( yr 1 - 3 ) was Micaela. Her poem was called " Humpty Dumpty". I chose her because she had just started the school this year and for a 5 year old she was pretty confident and spoke very loud.
For the seniors we had done speeches. My favourite contestant out of the seniors was Mele, her speech was about the Ihumatao protesting and why we should support them because what if that happened to you. Mele had done a great job and added a lot of emphasis and gravitas with her speech.  


LI:Today we are learning identity the main ideas in a bank. Today I am learning about the main ideas bank and we are reading book that is called the morning bath.And after you finish reading this book you have to go to the main idea bank and finish some more work.And next you have to blog about what you learn a some more stuff.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019


LI:Today we are learning about emotions and what you feel when someone come and say something bad.

Today we are learning how you say something nice to other people and how you feel when people say something bad to you.If people say something rude to you can go and tell your mum or your dad or maybe your teacher. And not just punch someone when you are angry just tell someone and it will be okay. And after that we play a activity.And we have to get into groups and what we have to do is the maori words and next activity was doing the abc backwards and doing the catchphrase and doing hits.
Than next we came in side and blog about kiwi can the end.

Kiwi can says control your self don't shout kiwi can over and out.

Friday, 16 August 2019

Basic Fact Numbers.

LI:Today I am learning numbers at Basic Fact.

Today I am doing Basic Fact and numbers.Basic Fact Helps your numbers and for maths too.Basic Fact helps you a lot because it will remember your maths again.Basic Fact is pulsing and taking away a numbers. Pulsing means you are adding a number together and it make a bigger number.Like if I have 5 +5 again =10 and it is making a high number.Taking away means you are taking a high number and it make a lower number.So if I have 10 - 4 =6 and that makes it a lower number.So if you what to learn more spell the word Basic Fact if you what to learn more.   

SSR Selfie.

LI: SSR Selfie.

Today I am learning what is SSR Selfie for?I think that SSR Selfie is when you choose your best or your favourite book that you want in your life.And I think that some girls like a book that it is called,Fairy Tales Myths and Legends,Fairy Tales is like a cartoons that you watch on TV. And when you find your book you have to find who was the illustrator and who was the another of the book and some more stuff that you need to do.When you finish your SSR Selfie you blog about it.And you blog a about what you learn what did you learn and some stuff.     

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Swimming Kiwi sport.

LI: Today we are learning about swimming.

What we did for swimming?
What I did for swimming is that we float on our back with noodles and we push our self off the wall and float on our back and next we streamline and that's what we learn from swimming.Our teacher name from swimming is Susan's.

Floating on back

  • Floating on back with noodle
  • Streamline
  • Push off and float on back


LI:Today I am doing persuasive for writing.

Today I am learning about persuasive stuff.And what we are doing know is writ about thing I like or things you like and it seems that lot of people like to go to the amusement park at rainbow end.Rainbows end has the amazing and happy place for everyone and there family.And is not just the park is about having fun.And it has cool rides and I think that it is the best amusement park that no one ever seen.This is for my Persuasive,Writing.

Persuasive.Basic speech template.

LI:today we were learning about persuasive.

And what we did for persuasive is writ about thing you like.And what I like is the amusement park at rainbows end.Amusement park has lot of different rides.Amusement park has lot of different kind of rides and it fun for other people too.And that why I like going to rainbows end.

Thursday, 8 August 2019


LI:Today we learn how to swim.

Today I went swimming for sport.My teachers name is Suzanne from the pool.And what I learn from her was I can floating on back with legs against the wall,floating on back with noodle,gliding with floating on a boards,gliding on my back with floating board.And these is what I learn it is down there.And it was a lot of fun.

Floating on back with legs against the wall

  • Floating on back with noodle
  • Gliding with floaty board
  • Gliding on back with floaty board

Wednesday, 7 August 2019


LI:To learn about emotions and how they affect people.

Some emotions I had or have or I know is happiness,sad and angry.Happiness make people relaxing and when I feel happy I just feel like I have nice things in my brain.
We learn about the affect of emotions by doing the right things.

Kiwi can say just let it all out and clear your maid and it will be okay.
And that is for our cat race.

Friday, 2 August 2019

SSR selfies.

LI:I,learn SSR Selfies.

Today I,am doing ssr selfies.What dose ssr selfies mean?It means that you have to choose your favorite book and talk about it.What is the tittle and  what is the author it means who is the person that write the book and my author was Lisa and I think that is a good name.Like that after you did that you take a photo of your book or you can take a photo of your self and your book.That is for ssr selfies.

Persuasive text.

LI:I learn persuasive texts.

This week we were learning persuasive texts.And how I learn it was we play a game with high bounce ball and tennis ball after we play the game we explain which ball do you like best tennis ball or the high bounce ball and I choose the high bounce ball because is easy for me to skim people out.High bounce ball is easy for me see and it good for me to play handball.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Main ideas,Not like the others.

LI:To identify the main ideas.
This week we were learning about main ideas. What does main ideas mean? It means a sentence that is about the topic.After that we play a game that call not like the others.After that reading is about finding the main ideas.And after that we did the sentence that do not belong with the main idea.


LI: Learning how to float on my back

Today me and my class went swimming at Panmure Swimming Pool.
Today, I learnt how to float on my back. I have to put my feet straight and put my body up and my face above the water.  I have to put my hands above my head. I can go backwards floating on my back and it was fun. There was a lady  who taught us has how to do it but,I  don't know her name.  But it was fun swimming.
Swimming is a fun sport for me and it make me feel happy. And other sports too.
She said that next week Thursday,
we can go swimming again and I love going swimming so I can learn lot about swimming.

Motat or main lab.

LI: Motat or main lab.

Today,I am blogging about the main lab trip and it was yesterday.It was a fun trip because we ride on a bus to get to main lab or shouldn't,I call it  motat. And when we get there they try to welcome as and we welcome them to our school.And room 5,room LS2,room LS1 those are the class that went to main lab and it was a fun place and what we did first was we eat lunch next was exploring and we went to many different place like fire trucks,fire station and we see computer that we can play a game cars,engines,motor bikes,travel bug,trampoline,stocks and there were more then that but,I do not have more time to do that.So that is what we do to motat and after that we say thank you.